This week’s #whoshareswins post comes straight from the aisles of The Strand, one of my favorite places on earth. Its surrounding city ain’t that bad, either.

I plucked Verlyn Klinkenborg’s Several Short Sentences About Writing off their shelves during one of my recent multi-hour browse sessions. It’s a brief book unlike any other text on writing I’ve had the pleasure, and I do mean pleasure, of reading. It offers a deft navigation of incredibly practical advice and philosophy, maintaining a reader’s interest in the nitty gritty and her inspiration to always work towards better. I’m three pages from completing my first read through and have already saved line after line for future reflection.

This is a book not only for those who claim the title writer but for anyone who enjoys words and communicating well. I dare say even the most visual creative will find Short Sentences a dependable source for encouragement and focus when the words just aren’t seeming right.

“You can say smart, interesting, complicated things using short sentences. How long is a good idea?”–Verlyn Klinkenborg, Several Short Sentences About Writing

At H·A ThirtyOne, we believe great ideas come in all shapes and sizes. That’s one of the reasons Klinkenborg’s phrase sticks with us. Looking for more great ideas? Check out the latest edition of The Best Enrollment Marketing Ideas for some quick inspiration and idea sparks.

Karyn Adams, principal and creative director for H·A ThirtyOne, works closely with the leadership and strategic communicators on campuses across the country. She is a frequent presenter and speaker at higher ed conferences, including NACACSACACAMA, and UCDA. Have some dots that need to be creatively connected? Contact Karyn at
